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English speaking clients

Dear parents,

getting support as a parent is a truly valuable investment

in the future adult - the person - your child will become.

Schwester schiebt Kinderwagen

I would love to offer you a brief introduction to my approach and invite you to contact me for a first free digital meeting

My approach is based on latest scientific research regarding developmental stages of children, with a special focus on linking different areas, such as:

Neurological development, attachment theory, communication, psychology and

emotional development.

With offering relevant information & multidimensional perspectives:

  • I encourage parent’s own competence to progress their highly individual parenting style and meeting their specific family needs.

  • Parents experience everyday stress relief and often come back to positive self-perception,
    self-empathy and empathy for their family.


And: Naturally parenting might be extremely challenging at some points.

Then: Reaching out for help is a sign of strength rather than weakness.

As parents encounter plenty of information on relevant parameters for healthy child development, we might feel grateful though overwhelmed in order to find our individual pathway.


My work implies to search for, and guide to, an deeper understanding of children’s behavior and needs. Based on a relationship and attachment orientated approach, I am able to ensure a supportive environment for solution finding and holistic growth within all family members.

I look forward to meeting you and to support you achieving your personal goals!

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